ZK Passing Parameter between two files using MVC and MVVM

In this post, we will see step by step tutorial on How to pass arguments between two zul files using MVC/MVVM Design Patter in different way.


Part 1, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window does not have any controller attached.

Part 2, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached to the controller and we will receive the arguments in the controller and display back to UI.

Part 3, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached to the controller and we will receive the arguments in the controller and display back to UI. Same as Part 2, but we will use ZK ‘s annotated data binding manager utility.

Part 4, This article will focus on the How to return values from the child window (Modal) to the Calling Parent Window using ZK Event Queues concept.

Part 5, This article will focus on the How to return values from the child window (Modal) to the Calling Parent Window using ZK Send Event

Part 6, Finally one small application created using this link on this subject.



Part 1, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window does not have any VM attached.

Part 2, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached with VM and arguments are received in the VM and update the UI.

Part 3, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached with VM and arguments are received in the VM and update the UI. After child window is closed, we will return the value to the parent window.

Part 4, In this post, we will see how we can pass parameter between two zul files attached by MVVM using URL Redirect

Using this link, I have created the same example in MVVM. you can download source here.